Media Center Resources

Using the online catalog Destiny
Click on the link in the menu on the right side of the MC site.  Students may login using their 5-digit Student ID number (username) and first three letters of their last name (password).  If you don't want  to place a reserve, you don't need to login to search the collection.

Using Facts on File (Infobase) databases:
See Ms Anderson in the Media Center for the
username and password for this service.
Included are:  American History, U. S. Government, Modern World History, Ancient and Medieval History, World Geography and Culture, Bloom's Literary Reference, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, The World News Digest, Issues & Controversies, Issues & Controversies in American History.  Additional tools
available include elearning modules:  America at War, Global Exploration, Life in America, Top Careers with a 2-year Degree Program, Your Government: How It Works, Exploring Career Clusters.
All of these are free to Roncalli students, faculty, and staff.